We’re pleased to be supporting the York Rail Innovation Community as a speaker on it’s launch event – Wednesday 20th February.
The York Rail Innovation Community exists to connect the depth of rail expertise in York with each other, and with innovative capabilities outside of the rail sector.
A line-up of speakers from the rail industry and local businesses will cover:
Session 1: Showcasing recent innovative achievements in rail, aspirations, and routes to market.
hear about recent achievements with innovation;
hear industry aspirations and challenges to solve with more innovation;
understand the industry structure
learn about the routes to market, and innovation schemes/funding available.
Session 2: Lightning talks – showcasing innovations not yet widespread in rail, and sharing experiences of bringing products to the rail market
hear about the application of new innovations in rail and other sectors;
hear real-world experiences of bringing products to the rail market and lessons learnt;
learnt a bit about new innovative concepts and technologies.
Session 3: Exploration and discussion
The opportunity for discussion with speakers to explore topics in more detail;
Networking and setting-up follow-up actions;
Agreeing the themes for future YoRIC events.
Confirmed speakers include:
– Incremental Solutions
– Insetting
– National Railway Museum
– Network Rail
– Northern
– Railguard
– TransPennine Express
– Thales
For more information, visit their website;