Incremental have gained further industry recognition by being awards with the ‘Unlocking Innovation’ award at last night’s Railway Industry Association’s (RIA) annual conference. (7th November).

Representing Incremental on the night were (l-r) Lewis Gill, David Campbell, Kate Naylor and Daniel Lee-Bursnall.
The awards, which ‘celebrate Railway Industry Supplier Excellence’, recognise and acknowledge the businesses and individuals who are making notable and positive changes to the multi-£billion industry.
Incremental’s award was for their OLErt system which provides real-time monitoring and analysis of overhead line equiptment, and recognises signs of deterioration or misalignment. Such predictive analysis is helping to prevent costly and delay-causing incidents which can effect the entire rail network.
Daniel Lee-Bursnall, Founder and Commercial Director, commented:
“We’re really pleased with this industry recognition and would like in turn to thank our partners who have helped, not just with the OLErt project, but with our growth and development in general – such as Innovate UK, Department for Transport, GWR, Network Rail, Icomera, LEP and many others.”
About The Railway Industry Association
RIA works to promote the importance of the rail system to UK plc, to help export UK expertise around the globe and to share best practice and innovation across the industry.The Railway Industry Association is the voice of the UK rail supply community. We help to grow a sustainable, high-performing, railway supply industry, and to export UK rail expertise and products. We promote and represent our members’ interests to policy makers, clients and other stakeholders in the UK and overseas. RIA has 250+ companies in membership in a sector that contributes £36 billion in economic growth and £11 billion in tax revenue each year, as well as employing 600,000 people. RIA’s membership is active across the whole of railway supply, covering a diverse range of products and services and including both multi-national companies and SMEs (60% by number).